Ring Nebula

Observed:  Points: 10

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as of 07/27/2024 6:50 a.m.

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General Info

TypePlanetary Nebula
Right ascension18h53'34.900''
Size1.400 arc min
Catalog Designations NGC6720, M57
Discovered 1779 Antoine Darquier

Generate a finder chart

The following form will generate a PDF finder chart suitable for printing using to locate objects in the sky with your telescope!

The Date is only really useful for solar system objects, as deep space objects move measurably only on a galactic timescale.

The larger the F.O.V (field of view), the more "zoomed out" the object will appear. It can be helpful to print several charts of the same object with different field of views.

Limiting the magnitude (remember, lower magnitude means brighter!) of stars and objects can make sure your chart is not cluttered with dim objects that you may not be visible to you anyway. The defaults are good, but try experimenting with raising and lowering the values.

Ring Nebula

Celestron AstroMaster 114EQ
10 points

Took me a few nights to find this nebula. It has a nice visible ring shape,even in a small telescope. I wasn't able to see the star in the middle since my old telescope wasn't the best. Waiting for Lyra to come around again to view it in my Skyview Pro.

Ring Nebula

Skywatcher Skyliner 300P Flextube
10 points

Part (1) of my first light report with the 12" dob: At last, time for first light. The scope had been outside for about and hour and a half or so to cool down. Prior to this I had pretty much decided to only go for familiar objects instead of trying to bag new ones. I knew the view would be much better than with my 6", but I wasn't quite prepared for just how much better they'd be. However it stared with a small disappointment, not because of the scope or anything like that. It's just that I had planned to start off with M13 to see it in all it's glory with a larger scope. Unfortunately, while I checked collimation (still spot on) and adjusted the finder scopes, it went behind some trees. Oh well, I'll just have to go out earlier next time. Anyway, I decided to give M57 a go instead. Wow, it was alot brighter than through the 6" and the shape alot clearer. Slowly went higher on magnification and it stood out very crisp and clear. Very nice. A small cloud slowly got in front of it and sure, I could have waited a couple of minutes for it to go away, but I wanted to see more.

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