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Waning Gibbous

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  1. Austin
  2. HamilTiller
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Latest Observations
Page 55


Skyview Pro 120mm EQ
10 points

Decided to (quickly)view the Virgo Cluster before I headed back inside. I had my 10mm eyepiece in so I wasn't able to see the other galaxies. Not much to see of this galaxy,more of an egg shaped point of light than a regular stereotypical galaxy.


Orion Sky View Pro 8" EQ
100 points

My first attempt to see Venus through a telescope. The sky was too cloudy so I could not get a clear enough view to resolve the planet.


Skyview Pro 120mm EQ
100 points

Not much to see


Celestron PowerSeeker 127EQ
100 points

Used 3x Barlow lens. It was beautiful.


Celestron PowerSeeker 127EQ
100 points

I think it was the first observation me and my brother could do since the weather was pretty bad since January. We were trying to see other stars when we found Jupiter and three of its moons.

It was a pleasant experience, we saw it in B/N because I haven't got filters yet.

Great Orion Nebula

Skyview Pro 120mm EQ
30 points

Quite beautiful


Orion Sky View Pro 8" EQ
100 points

The first chance I got I took my scope out to see Saturn. I was forced to look through a neighbors tree but enough light still came through the branches for me to see Saturn. It wasn't the best view but it blew my mind that I was looking at Saturn and could still see its rings despite the poor conditions. I was only able to view for about 15 min before Saturn went to far into the tree and the image became a dim mess.


Orion Sky View Pro 8" EQ
100 points

First object I saw when I got my telescope. I was able to see three of the moons that night.

I never did go out and see it with a telescope, wish I did but I guess I'll wait for the next bright(ish) comet.

C/2014 Q2 (Lovejoy)

Opticron Imagic TGA WP 10x50
1 points

This was the second session with this comet. A combination of binos for visual and a bit of widefield photography to capture this comet (DSLR + iOptron Skytracker V2). Started by locating the comet with my binos and rigged the iOptron and DSLR after that. Wanted to get both the comet and the Pleiades in frame. This is my, so far, sixth observed comet.

Latest Comet

C/2024 N4 (Sarneczky)

18.84, Peak: 18.17
Closest Approach
Jan. 11, 2025

Brightest Comets

A/2018 V3 ( K1924 359.9): -314.66
A/2018 V3 ( K18C7 359.8): -314.66
A/2018 V3 ( K193B 359.9): -314.66
A/2018 V3 ( K1939 359.9): -314.66
A/2018 V3 ( K1913 359.8): -314.66

Brightest Supernova


Last Observed Magnitude:
16.5 (Oct. 10, 2016 )
Recently observed supernovae

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