
Observed:  Points: 75

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Current Info for Observer

as of 07/27/2024 3:37 a.m.

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General Info

as of 07/27/2024 3:37 a.m.

Constellation Leo
Right ascension10:08:51.72 (Hours)
Declination9:21:29.2 (Deg)
% illuminated36.817
Distance from Earth0.78726AU
Distance from Sun0.46667AU
Mass0.055 ⊕

The first of 8 planets in our solar system

☉ Solar Masses ⊕ Earth Masses j Jupiter Masses


Celestron Omni XLT 150
75 points

Great day for solar observing! This is the first time I've been able to observe Mercury as I have a poor view of the horizon. Watching it move across the sun was particularly interesting as it's hard to believe something can orbit that fast.

Finally up early enough to see Mercury, a shining point in the red glow of the rising sun.


Celestron 127eq
75 points

Finally hauled myself out of bed to take a look at the two planets I hadn't seen through my telescope: Mars and Mercury. Mercury appeared to be yellowish, and looked like it was in the gibbous phase. Very pretty, the only naked-eye planet I hadn't (knowingly) seen even without the scope.


7x50 Binos
75 points

Great view of Venus, Jupiter, Mars and Mercury in one section of the sky! Finally saw Mercury, it's been a long wait!

Saw this elusive planet while in conjuction with brighter venus.

Generate a finder chart

The following form will generate a PDF finder chart suitable for printing using to locate objects in the sky with your telescope!

The Date is only really useful for solar system objects, as deep space objects move measurably only on a galactic timescale.

The larger the F.O.V (field of view), the more "zoomed out" the object will appear. It can be helpful to print several charts of the same object with different field of views.

Limiting the magnitude (remember, lower magnitude means brighter!) of stars and objects can make sure your chart is not cluttered with dim objects that you may not be visible to you anyway. The defaults are good, but try experimenting with raising and lowering the values.

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